Calm Healthy Horses Alleviate C SOS
Has proved helpful for sore feet, shifting weight from foot to foot, Horses in rocked back stance, Reluctance to move, Lying down a lot, Head-flicking/shaking, ‘Aeroplane ears’, probable head-ache, Muzzle, general skin or muscle twitching, excessive nose rubbing, Light sensitivity, Excessive Itching, Girthiness, Signs of ‘increased excitability’, Spooking, like their eyesight is affected, Herd-bound, separation anxiety, Musculo-skeletal problems, ‘Sacro-iliac’ problems, Some coughs & respiratory conditions, and many more!
Contains a proprietary blend of chelated magnesium, chelated and non-chelated calcium with essential co-factors boron, phosphorous and Vitamin D.