Monday - Friday 8 - 5pm | Saturday 9 - 12pm
  • Ticked Off with Flies

Ticked Off with Flies


Safe Effective Natural - The easiest ever tick solution! 

It treats Ticks, Mosquitoes and Lice.  It is very simple to use, just add it to your horses feed or trough and it is completely natural – competition safe with no withholding period.


Simply add it into your feed or trough, its as easy as that! It is palatable, so most animals don’t mind the taste whatsoever. If adding to feed, add one capful daily for 2 weeks, then one capful several times a week. If possible, add it to the trough as well.

For the trough add 2-3 capfuls daily for 2-3 weeks  and give it a good stir, then several times a week to top it up. The hydrogen particles in the water carry the  remedy and disperse it throughout the trough, so it doesn’t matter what the size of the trough is, as it doesn’t dilute.

It has a vegetable glycerine base and has a slightly sweet taste – very palatable. No need to use harsh chemicals or sprays or to spend hours washing your horse down ever again.

Culex, Sulphur,Tick and Lice Nosode, Ledum, Vegetable Glycerine, Purified Water

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